Tailored packages to fit your college goals
The Major
This option is best suited for students who are in their junior/senior years. I offer consistent one-on-one support throughout the year(s) focused on the college search, major exploration, financial and scholarship resources/review, essay guidance and feedback, and overall advisement on the application and admission process. I also hold “student hours” where your student can drop in for quick questions.
The Minor
If there are certain areas of the college process that you need help filling in the gaps with, The Minor Package, is a great option. If your student knows where they plan to apply to but maybe they just need essay support and application feedback, we can tailor our services to fit those needs. I want you and your student to feel empowered with tools and resources to make educated and informed decisions when it comes to the college application process.
Group Services
Group counseling services are available on a case-by-case basis. During these sessions, I provide a brief overview of higher education systems, application processes, admission policies, financial resources, and essay feedback. This is not a customized session, but rather an informational workshop geared for you and your student(s) to be better prepared before diving into college apps.
For more information on pricing, please fill out the inquiry form with your interest and I will get back to you in 3-5 business days.